Make your will today. It’s about living your life the way you want, even after you’re gone. It’s about your loved ones, your legacy, and making sure your story unfolds just right. It doesn’t matter how big or small your estate is—a will is for everyone.
And here’s the best part: it’s free and easy. With RMHC’s new online partner FreeWill, it takes just 20 minutes to complete your will online—no lawyers, no stress. Life’s too short not to protect what matters most.
Get started now. Your legacy awaits.
Things change. A will is a living document—just like your life, it can adapt. Anytime you want to update it, you can.
You can make a lasting difference for families with seriously ill children by making a planned gift. In addition to continuing your support of a mission you care deeply about, a planned gift can provide positive tax consequences for your estate and heirs.
No matter what form your gift takes, you can rest assured that your generosity will be deeply appreciated by the thousands of children and families who benefit from the services provided by RMH each year.